Lunch Menus

Quest Food Management Services is committed to providing a nutritious dining program that is designed to fuel our students with a variety of wholesome and great-tasting options.  The program highlights scratch-made food, menu variety, responsibly-sourced menu items, and a localized approach. For questions, contact Ashley Jenkins, Quest Food Service Director, at or at (847) 400-8992.

Easy Access to Menus via FDMealPlanner

Wescott and Willowbrook Schools Pre-Order Lunch via MyMealOrder

  • Go to:
  • Parents along with their students can choose their meals a month at a time and pay online using Discover, VISA, or MasterCard (credit/debit)
  • An Annual Milk Pass is being offered as a convenience to families whose students regularly bring their lunch to school
  • All orders must be placed at least 3 days in advance
  • If your child forgets their lunch or wishes to get a lunch, they will receive the daily featured meal and we will notify you and charge your account
  • Should the need arise to cancel a pre-ordered meal, in order to receive a credit an email must be sent to Ashley Jenkins at 24 hours in advance of the meal ordered date

Maple School Utilizes MealTime Point of Sale System

  • Go to: and create an account
  • Parents along with their students can deposit money on their Maple student IDs to pay for food and beverages in the Cafetorium serving line
  • If your student does not have available funds on account or cash, they will receive the daily featured meal

For information on the lunch Volunteer Program, please contact your school’s PTO by visiting the following link:  Wescott School PTOWillowbrook School PTO