Clubs and Activities
We sincerely believe that a student-centered environment exists at Maple dedicated to meeting the academic, social, and emotional needs of our students. It is expected that our students will be challenged to achieve the high standards of learning in our school. We want students to recognize that they are an integral part of our community and that their years at Maple will be filled with success and happiness.
To this end, Maple School offers a wide variety of clubs, activities, experiences, challenges, and opportunities for all students. Students are encouraged to become involved in their school and discover their talents and nurture their interests. The investment and the energy put forth will be critical to each student's growth at Maple School. Remember, our students' success will be directly related to their efforts and involvement.
Check back often as information is continuously added.
- Art Club
- Badminton Club
- Board Games & More
- Digital Photography & Cinematography Club
- Dungeons & Dragons/Sci-Fi Fantasy Club
- Fitness Club
- International Club
- Maple Musical
- Math Competition Team
- Peer Partners
- Scholastic Bowl
- Science Competition Team
- Snowflake
- Student Council
- Yearbook
Art Club
Art Club will meet Thursday's after school until 4:30 in the Art Room (122.) Because of the limited number allowed in a classroom, 6th graders and 7th/8th graders will alternate weeks. Please check the school calendar for the grade meeting each week.
Club Sponsor: Ms. Nettelhorst
Club Description: Explore your interests in art. Come join the fun and experiment with different media to make creations of your own. You can try painting, jewelry, oil pastels, chalks, decals, glass painting, fabric painting, pencil, etc. The sky is the limit.
Badminton Club
Do you love to play badminton? Join us in playing tournaments, meeting new friends and learning about footwork and all the different shots of this sport!
Meetings will be held throughout the school year in the mornings (7:45-8:25am) and after school (3:40-4:30pm) in the West Gym. It’s encouraged to bring your own racket if you have one. We have rackets you can borrow to play as well.
Exact dates will be posted on the Maple School Activity Calendar and announced in school. Questions? Please contact Mrs. Iris Kang at Thanks!
Board Games & More
Board Games & More Club planned meeting dates are as follows. Please listen to morning / afternoon announcements and check back here for any updates.
Friday, September 13
Monday, September 16
Monday, September 23
Friday, September 27
Monday, September 30
Friday, October 4
Monday, October 7
Friday, October 11
Monday, October 21
Friday, October 25
Monday, October 28
Friday, November 1
Monday, November 4
Digital Photography & Cinematography Club
Digital Photography and Cinematography
Meeting Time:
Every Thursday at 3:35 - 4:30 unless announced otherwise (no club meetings on holidays or during parent/teacher conferences). You do not need to bring cameras to this first meeting. Students do not need to own their own equipment in order to be a part of DP&C club. If you have your own camera, please bring it on announced dates.
Meeting Location: Room 121
Begins: September 8th
Club Sponsor: Ms. Michelle King-Mulvihill
Digital Photography and Cinematography Club welcomes all students interested in working with photo and video editing as well as camera equipment ranging from simple digital cameras and DSLR cameras to camcorders and full-sized professional video cameras.
Digital Photography and Cinematography Club Meetings: Thursdays, 3:35-4:30 PM in Room #121
We film the school musical, produce seasonal pieces, film/shoot/edit various school activities, provide photos for the yearbook, and work with our own images and video editing projects. Past projects include photography scavenger hunts, Halloween special effects and zombie photo editing, special effects shorts, DSLR lens effects, shooting lights with blur and zoom, black-and-white effects, creating and avoiding shadows, claymation, stop motion, action photography, nature photography, painting with light, framing and balance activities, frame rate and aperture exercises… We schedule activities matching your interests.
Dungeons & Dragons/Sci-Fi Fantasy Club
Meeting Time: 3:40 - 4:30 pm
Meeting Day: Tuesdays
Meeting Location: Mrs. Kearns' Classroom (Room 103)
Begins: September 3rd, 2024
Club Sponsor: Mrs. Kearns
Club Description:
Dungeons & Dragons will run during the first semester until January. Here students will learn the basics of character building, miniature painting, and table gameplay. More advanced players may run their own campaigns. DM's are always needed. The Science Fiction Fantasy Club will run the second semester from February until the end of May. Students will have the opportunity to explore all areas of science fiction and fantasy, from time travel to space travel, from comics to TV shows to movies, Pokemon, board games, card games, role play, and more. The group will engage in spirited discussions, explore findings, and delve into the strange and unexplainable. The Club will bring together a variety of students and discover common interests. So…to go where no Mustang has gone before, join us!
Fitness Club
Meeting Time: 7:45 am - 8:30 am
Meeting Location: Fitness Center
Begins: 9/10/2024
Club Sponsor: Mrs. Rathge
Club Description: Students will have one-morning session per week of supervised access to the Maple Fitness Center. Students of all fitness levels will learn to set realistic goals, track individual progress, and actively participate in a variety of workouts based on individual student interests. Students will also learn about health, wellness, and nutritional information.
Please check the Maple Athletics Calendar for all club meeting dates. The day of the week students will meet may change each week, but never the time. This helps to ensure that even when school weeks are shortened due to district holidays, non-attendance days, etc., students will still have the opportunity to continue to improve their overall health and wellness. The morning times allow for fewer after-school activity conflicts and help jumpstart students' days through physical activity.
Students are still required to participate in their regularly scheduled P.E. and/or Health classes. Students should monitor their own exertion levels to maintain a healthy status without causing injury due to overuse. The same rules/expectations for the locker rooms will be followed just as they are for after-school athletics/activities. All the same rules/expectations for P.E. and after-school athletics/activities will be followed while students are members of the Fitness Club.
Attendance will be taken each session, but there is no need to report absences to Mr. Kopach. Upon arrival at Maple, students should use the Activity Doors located by the PE/BOC corridor on the East side of the building.
International Club
Club Sponsor: Mrs. Stiltz
Club Description:
Want to learn about cultures from around the world? Then International Club is for you! International club increases cultural awareness and allows students to explore the rich diversity of cultures we have at our school. Members will have the opportunity to learn about new cultures as well as being able to share traditions of their own. Club meetings consist of participating in cultural activities, trying international foods, learning about diverse holidays and customs, and more. The goal is for members to engage, learn, and become more knowledgeable about different countries and cultures through the lens of fun activities and events throughout the year. The club will meet at various times after school in room 310.
Important Information:
Meetings will be held in room 310 from 3:45-4:30.
For meeting dates and themes, please click here.
The FIRST informational meeting will be on Monday, September 11th.
All students are welcome to join! :)
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Stiltz at
Maple Musical
This years Maple spring musical is...
You will find all rehearsal schedules, cast, & crew information here.
Math Competition Team
Club Sponsor: Ms. Byrne & Mrs. Arends
Club Sponsor: Ms. Byrne & Mrs. Arends
Meeting Location: Room 301/302
Practice Dates: Wednesday & Friday 3:45-4:30 (beginning 02/12/25)
Club Description: ALL MATHEMATICIANS WELCOME! We will be forming this year's Maple Math Team to participate in the MathCounts competition series, which includes both individual and team contests. This is a fun opportunity for students to improve their problem-solving skills and apply them toward non-routine problems! Competition dates to come.
Our state competition is Saturday, March 8th. We will have a team celebration following the state competition, and then our season will come to end.
Lastly, team members, please consider purchasing a 2024-2025 Math Team Shirt. We would love to show up to our competitions matching and in uniform if possible! Use this link to purchase a team shirt.
AMC 8: The American Mathematics Contest (AMC 8) is a 25 question, 40-minute multiple-choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills. The contest will take place on Wednesday, January 22nd. For preparation, past contests and solutions visit the Art of Problem Solving website.
Additional information, opportunities, and competition registration links will be provided in the Maple Marquee. Please contact Cora Byrne ( or Sarah Arends ( with any questions.
Peer Partners
Sponsors: Mrs. Safranek and Ms. Stipes
Location: LMC
Meeting Time: 8th grade Recess
Website: Peer Partners
Mission statement: Peer Partners strive to promote a positive environment by encouraging acceptance, growth, and trust in the school community. Peer Partners are eighth graders who are selected to help other students in the school. They participate in the following activities:
- Lead sixth grade advisory groups
- Assist with curriculum night
- Sponsor sixth grade pre-dance
- Conduct fifth grade tours of Maple School
Everyone is encouraged to apply in May of seventh grade. Peer Partners represent a cross section of the student population.
Scholastic Bowl
Welcome to Scholastic Bowl!
Do you like trivia, Jeopardy, and competing with your friends? Scholastic Bowl 2024/25 is perfect for you! We welcome all 6, 7, and 8th graders! We will meet on Mondays and Thursdays in room #223 for practice. Start date TBD.
Nicky Stannard
Jill Rathge
Monday & Thursday 3:35-4:45pm
Science Competition Team
Practices: Wednesdays & Thursdays 3:45 PM-5:00 PM, special practice sessions TBD
Meeting Location: Rooms 103 and 203
Begins: Early October
Club Sponsor: Mrs. Kearns and Ms. Rayborn
Club Description:
This year we will expand our competition to include Science Olympiad, the Illinois Invention Convention, and the Artemis Roads III competition.
The Science Olympiad is a national competition event. Both GBN and GBS have teams, and our Division B Varsity and Junior Varsity teams are designed to feed into their Division C high school teams. Each year there are 23 competition events, which include a variety of events that cover topics such as biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and engineering. Some events include lab practical style tests, short answer tests, and building challenges. All events are team events where competitors work in small teams.
Attending practices are expected to compete. As we progress in the season, additional days may be added so that we will be able to accomplish our team goals. Competition dates will be shared when announced, but are usually on Saturday in January, and a Saturday in March or April.
*This team is where Maple’s most knowledgeable scientists, engineers, and inventors can shine!*
Varsity Science Olympiad Team
Jason | Cho |
Tyler | Fang |
Alvin | Fang |
Henry | Gillis |
Philip | Kaat |
Eli | Mathew |
Rei | Matsunaga |
Lauren | McGarry |
Elaine | Mei |
Kyrylo | Miretskyi |
Kate | Nikolov |
Marian | Shidenko |
Matthew | Song |
Fyodor | Traskin |
Hansi | Zhu |
JV Science Olympiad Team
Amay | Agarwal |
Arya | Akash |
Ayza | Ali |
Max | Barszczewski |
Hanzhe | Cheng |
Devin | Fuh |
Brighton | He |
William | Hu |
Dariya | Kendy |
Rasekh | Ladha |
Isaac | Lau |
Maya | Lee |
Anthony | Lee |
Oliver | Mohyla |
Lia | Okulaja |
Owen | Paik |
Ariana | Patel |
Samuel | Perpinyal |
David | Pham |
Hazel | Rho |
Shreya | Sharma |
Asha | Singal |
Soheil | Tabatabaee |
Swara | Talavia |
Tovi | Tan |
Billy | Tugsbayar |
Tyler | Upchurch |
Angeli | Yadav |
Alexander | Zhang |
Tai | Zhu |
Snowflake will take place on April 11, 2025
Sponsors: Mrs. Holmer and Mrs.Stannard
Operation Snowflake seeks to bring together middle school youth, community professionals, and other caring adults to teach valuable skills that develop healthy peer relationships, promote responsible decision-making, and resist negative peer pressure.
Snowflake is designed to help healthy kids STAY healthy.
- new connections
- new friends
- new ideas
- new skills
- good time
- better understanding of oneself and others
Topics to be covered include:
- alcohol/drugs
- decision-making
- healthy choices
- participate in large group activities
- participate in small group activities
- work with adult, high school facilitators
Student Council
Here are your new 2024 Student Council Board Members!!
Sponsors: Ms. Reimer and Ms. Light
First Meeting for students who want to run for office will be on Friday, September 6 from 8:00-8:25 am in Room 123
Induction Ceremony will be held on Friday, October 4 in the West Gym 8:40 am
Office Requirements
President: (8th Grade Office)
- Makes morning announcements
-Plans the agenda for each meeting and submits the agenda to one of the sponsors each Monday
-Runs the student council meeting on Tuesday mornings
-Oversees planning of all activities and committee work
-Attends student council activities and meetings regularly
Vice President: (7th Grade Office)
-Assumes the president’s duties if he/she cannot attend meeting(s).
-Takes attendance at all meetings
-Oversees committee work
-Attends student council activities and meetings regularly
Secretary: (8th Grade Office)
-Takes notes at all meetings
-Distributes agenda to members
-Attends student council activities and meetings regularly
- Is responsible for outside correspondence such as thank you notes, invitations, and letters of recognition
Fundraiser: (8th Grade Office)
-Is responsible for overseeing ticket sales before and during parties
-Is responsible for handling money during student council events
-Is responsible for counting money and keeping accurate records of student council monies
Is the primary student representative of the Maple Herd
-Attends student council activities and meetings regularly
Club Sponsors: Ms. Stipes and Mrs. Janca
Club Description:
Are you interested in helping us photograph, design, and create our school yearbook? If so, you are in the right place! This club is for all students who are interested in helping put together Maple's Yearbook. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary! Club members take pictures, arrange pages, learn about yearbook content, ensure that the yearbook gets done on time, and help distribute yearbooks at the end of the year.
Important Information:
Club meetings will be scheduled as needed, there may be times that students need to stay to take pictures of clubs or sports after school. Students will always be ready for pick up at 4:30 p.m. or earlier.
Our FIRST meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10 in room 209.
If you have any questions, please email Ms. Stipes at or Mrs. Janca at